26 Apr 2024

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Weekly Report

E.g., 26/04/2024
E.g., 26/04/2024
08 Aug 2023 - CFO Exclusive
Going on a limited fishing is to be foreseeable after Aug 12…
06 Aug 2023 - Hammersmith
It was a funny week this week for grain and oilseed prices as the expanded bombing of Ukraine grain facilities by Russia didn’t seem to have as much effect on prices as had been expected. Of course, much of the news of attacks was late in the week which did give a small rally on Friday but not enough to offset the lower prices early in the week......please click PDF to see more details
01 Aug 2023 - CFO Exclusive
10-day-long newly exploratory fishing would identify how feasibly the season moves on…
31 Jul 2023 - Hammersmith
Looking at the situation at the end of the week, USA grain and oilseed markets looked a little calmer and prices slipped lower on Friday. Much of the effect of Russia’s actions in Ukraine had left the market by Friday and buyers/sellers were looking more at the USA weather for coming weeks........please click PDF to see more details
25 Jul 2023 - CFO Exclusive
Longer term feasibly replacement at fishmeal utilization is truly essential….
24 Jul 2023 - Hammersmith
The Black Sea situation continued to be one of the major factors in the world’s grain and oilseed price action this week. Russia’s attacks on Ukraine grain export terminals and threats against ships to and from Ukraine ports has set the market on fire --- both for grain prices and for shipping costs from the Black Sea. The feeling in the market is that there will be an extension of the agreement but with Russia current bombing of ports, shipping from Ukraine ports will be even more difficult....please click PDF to see more details
18 Jul 2023 - CFO Exclusive
Likely spawning in this summer to further suspend fishing….
17 Jul 2023 - Hammersmith
This week was an up week for all new crop grains/oilseeds in the US while spread between old crop and new crop prices continued to narrow --- except perhaps for corn where the old crop premium is at about USD 35 m/t. .......please click PDF to see more details
11 Jul 2023 - CFO Exclusive
The foreseeable cash trend in RMB20,000/ton at Shanghai is not far…..
10 Jul 2023 - Hammersmith
This week was a short trading week for grains and oilseeds in the US due to the July 04 holiday and the number of businesses also closed on July 03. But, as usual, there is always some excitement in the grain business........please click PDF to see more details
